Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We should march on Washington to protest free trade

After World War II, American workers were the best paid in the world and the middle class was the wealthiest. America was the breadbasket of the world and its manufacturing was the most efficient. What happened? Look at us now.

With each purchase of an American product — whether manufactured, grown or mined — American workers and retirees benefited, along with the federal, state and local governments, the Social Security trust fund and Medicare. With the purchase of a foreign- made product, all of the above suffer a net loss.

America has become a nation of importers and consumers. It is running a trade deficit of $2 billion a day. Over the last 20 years, we have accumulated a trade deficit of more than $4 trillion. This is more than $13,000 each American owes to a foreign country.

Warren Buffet said it well: “We are becoming a nation of share croppers.”

For the first time in American history, children of the middle class will have a lower standard of living than their parents.

Our wages are stagnating or declining and the cost of energy, food and health care continue to increase.

For the first time in our country’s history, we are importing more agricultural products than we are exporting. Imported food is not safe. Less than 1 percent of food from China has been inspected by an American. Food has been sold that is poisonous for humans and our pets. Your children’s health and lives are at risk.

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