Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wanted: A president who will champion U.S. manufacturing

Before Newton became proud home to the Maytag Washing Machine Co., it already had much to boast about.

Newton was named for Revolutionary War hero Sgt. John Newton, known for "deeds of daring," including a famous rescue that saved fellow soldiers from the British noose.

For the past decade, what's in need of rescue are manufacturing jobs in Iowa and across America. They're at the mercy of forces over which the foot soldiers of industry - our nation's factory, tooling and foundry workers - have had little control.

Iowa's manufacturing sector has always been a significant contributor to the state's economic prosperity and sense of community. In the 1940s, manufacturing employed 31 percent of the state's population. It declined to 20 percent in 1990 and has fallen to about 10 percent today. Even while shrinking, the sector still employs 234,000 Iowans, employed by nearly 6,000 manufacturers.

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