Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stimulus Package Will Boost Deficit

A proposed economic stimulus plan could boost this year's deficit by $100 billion, but political leaders believe the flood of red ink is worth the cost if it keeps the country from falling into a prolonged recession.

Worries that any recession could be a severe one, far surpassing the last two mild, brief downturns in 1990-91 and 2001, have captured the attention of President Bush and other politicians, especially in an election year with the White House up for grabs.

Bush and House leaders reached a deal in record time last week that would provide $150 billion in economic stimulus through tax rebates that will go to 117 million families, and temporary tax breaks for businesses.

The House is rushing the proposal to a vote this week and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he hopes to have the package approved by the Senate and on the president's desk by Feb. 15.

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