Monday, January 14, 2008

Economic Tsunami Is Upon Us

A simple truth, ignored for generations, is leading us to enslavement and privation. Wealth makes us free, and debt enslaves us. Debt-based currency puts you in debt without your consent and prevents your escape from the consequences. In answer to an editorial by Rob Kall.


As long as you have the Federal Reserve System operating with a monopoly on the creation of debt-based money out of thin air, a few things are inevitable:

1. The system requires continued growth in order to remain viable, ever increasing as interest on the fake money is compounded. When the Fed says their aim is 'price stability', that means they will inflate the currency at the same rate as economic growth. This means that they rob the population of all increases in productivity, because prices should fall when productivity rises, not stay 'stable'. But stable prices are impossible when all currency is borrowed into existence because the interest to repay it must be borrowed, too, and mathematically you will reach a point where the interest and borrowing must accelerate out of control.

2. When, through socialist regulation and taxation, the producers are killed off below a certain point, that growth falls below the minimum. Price stability is a forgotten joke as inflation and taxes eat away at the capital required to fund ongoing operations, and growth becomes a thing of the past.

3. The system can continue on inertia alone, by pumping more fake money into it, until foreign creditors begin to lose faith in the dollar.

4. The system has to inflate the currency, or it collapses. The only tool the Fed has is to inflate slower or faster. When it inflates faster, economic activity increases (bubble) but prices rise as the dollar falls in value (collapse). As the debt increases, it takes exponentially larger infusions of cash to get any increase in production, leading eventually to hyperinflation. When the Fed inflates slower, economic activity slows down.

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