Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Put Money Away For Rainy Days Ahead And Brace Yourself For The Turbulence To Come

Unless you've been living in a cave for the last few months you can't really have failed to notice that things don't look great for the British economy. You've probably even heard the dreaded word "recession" bandied about. Indeed, the nation is bracing itself for its first recession in a decade.

You cannot have escaped the current focus on the emergency rescue of US investment bank Bear Stearns and the problems the US is encountering in its fight with recession.

Ever since the Northern Rock crisis and the signs of a troubled economy, a quarter of all UK consumers have become more concerned about their finances and, understandably, their confidence has been shaken. But this latest development is an opportunity. The trick is to harness this heightened awareness and to do something positive, like overhauling your finances, budgeting effectively, and investing your money in a way that makes it work smarter for your needs

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