Monday, March 10, 2008

Final US Economic End-Game

Before getting started, I really need to thank several of my readers, because it was their intelligent questions that led me to this article. I hope it serves a useful purpose and helps to shed some light on what may potentially lie in store for our economy/way of life.

Today, with bad new all around, many make attempts to dissect the individual aspects of the myriad of economic problems that influence our problematic US economic situation, but few really try to think ahead and analyze the final end-game. With this post, I hope to do just that, and will attempt to answer the following six questions:

1) What is happening with regard to our economy?
2) Why would our monetary policy-masters want a weaker dollar?
3) Where do we go from here?
4) What long-term exit strategy can we expect to see from our monetary policy masters?
5) How does inflation help the Government and what are the impacts to its people?
6) How will people cope with reduced purchasing power and a much lower standard of living?

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